Restore project state to before C debugging

If you want to restore the original project state as it has been before a C debugging session, proceed as follows:

  1. Hide the files that you have displayed in the project explorer during the preparations: Click  in toolbar of the project explorer and select Filters and Customization... In the dialog, tab Filter, check the following items and click OK.

    1. .* resources

    2. src-gen folder

    3. target folder

  2. These steps are only required for remote target systems, but not for the built-in PLC:

    1. Delete the →runtime system folder that you have copied into the project. This guarantees that there will be no outdated copies of the runtime system folder in the project – in particular, if a newer runtime system version is used on the target system.

    2. Close the perspective Remote System Explorer.

  3. In order to resume the "normal" execution of the application on the PLC, you must start the runtime system on the PLC. The necessary steps depend on the used PLC.
    See instructions within the corresponding tutorial (see table with links to the tutorials under "Control flow debugging: Debugging the application by setting breakpoints").